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This product has been carefully formulated to deliver TORQ’s unique blend of multiple-transportable carbohydrates and electrolytes to the working muscles extremely quickly and efficiently using research-proven 2:1 Maltodextrin : Fructose technology and all 5 key electrolytes. DELIVERS UPTO 90 grams OF CARBS PER HOUR WITHOUT GUT DISCOMFORT. Use a mix Torq bars, gels, jellies and energy drink to achieve this.
This gel also contains 89mg of natural caffeine delivered via Guarana Extract. Caffeine has been found to increase alertness, mental agility, muscle function and assist the fat-burning process among other benefits.
TORQ Gel forms part of the TORQ Fuelling System, so can be used alongside TORQ’s energy drinks, bars and jellies to fuel optimal performances. Please take the time to read about the TORQ Fuelling System by clicking HERE and ensure that you get the most out of this product.
Each TORQ gel (whether caffeinated or not) provides 30 grams of multiple-transportable carbohydrates (1 TORQ Unit), which is a significantly greater concentration than many brands on the market today featured in larger heavier packages. For optimal performances, our TORQ Fuelling System recommends consuming 2-3 TORQ Units per hour which can be achieved through consuming a variety of fuelling products as illustrated in the table below. Consuming a TORQ Gel is simply one method of ingesting a TORQ Unit.
The higher your perspiration rates, the more TORQ Energy Drink you will need to consume relative to our more concentrated fuelling units – TORQ Gels, TORQ Bars and TORQ Jellies. All of our fuelling products are optimised with multiple-transportable carbohydrates, the only difference between them is the texture; Smooth, Soft or Chewy. Again, this interaction between TORQ’s fuelling products is explained fully HERE on our Fuelling System page and the illustration below summarises the concept nicely.
The videos included here cover Fuelling for Running and separately Fuelling for Cycling - They are all excellent, short educational Videos well worth a watch!
PLEASE NOTE: This product contains HIGH LEVELS OF CAFFEINE and should be used alongside our regular non-caffeinated energy gels and other Fuelling System products to achieve optimal performances. The beneficial role that caffeine plays in sports performance is discussed in the ‘Technical Information’ tab and comprehensively in the following article: How Can Caffeine Boost Performance?.